
The 9th IFAC Symposium on System Structure and Control (SSSC), 19th IFAC Workshop on Time Delay Systems (TDS), and 2nd IFAC Workshop on Control of Complex Systems (COSY) will be held jointly in Gif-sur-Yvette, France, between June 30th and July 2nd, 2025.

The initial submission deadline is February 10th, 2025. The notification of acceptance will be communicated on March 27th, 2025. Final submission deadline is on April  30th, 2025. The submission link at Papercept can be found at https://ifac.papercept.net/conferences/scripts/start.pl. Contributions can be submitted as either an extended abstract (2 pages) or a full paper (minimum 4 and maximum 8 pages initial submission, 6 pages final submission), in A4 size and PDF format. Accepted papers will be published in IFAC Papers on-line. Abstract submissions will NOT be published in IFAC Papers on-line but will be included in the conference preprints.

The joint conference is planned to be an in-person event to be held at CentraleSupélec in the Paris-Saclay University campus in Gif-sur-Yvette between June 30th and July 2nd, 2025.

The aim of this joint event is to gather academics and professionals with a particular interest in system structure, control, linear and nonlinear system theory and to offer them a forum where to discuss current research developments and open problems, as well as to establish scientific networks with a focus on the mathematical structure of systems as well as on the limits it imposes on control systems design and performance.

Starting with 2013, the Symposium on System Structure and Control (SSSC) and the Workshop on Time Delay Systems (TDS) take place in the framework of “joint IFAC Conferences.” The novelty of this joint event is to include the Workshop on Control of Complex Systems (COSY). The present joint conference aims to achieve the same high-quality standard of IFAC. As for the previous editions, the National Organizing Committee (NOC) and the Program Editor are the same for the “joint IFAC Conference,” and the registration fees are unique for the entire event, allowing the participants to follow sessions of any of the symposium (SSSC) and workshops (TDS, COSY). The joint conference is structured across multiple tracks, each incorporating several special or regular sessions, poster sessions, and industry presentations and demonstrations. The paper proposals will undergo a standard peer-reviewing process. Accepted and presented papers will be included in the Conference Proceedings, which will be published in IFAC PapersOnLine.


History of SSSC 

The origins of the meetings on Systems Structure and Control (SSC) under the technical sponsorship of IFAC go back to the IFAC workshops first held in Prague, Czech Republic, in 1989 and 1992 and subsequently in Nantes, France, in 1995 and 1998 as conferences. Also, in late 1997 a Conference on SSC, sponsored by IFAC, had been held in Bucharest, Romania. The meeting returned to Prague in 2001 as an IFAC symposium; its 2nd Edition was held in Oaxaca, Mexico, in 2004, the 3rd at Foz do Iguassu, Brazil, in 2007, the 4th in Ancona, Italy, in 2010, the 5th in Grenoble, France (2013), the 6th in Istanbul, Turkey (2016), the 7th in Sinaia, Romania (2019) and the 8th in Montréal, Canada (2022). In this way, the series of IFAC symposiums on Systems Structure and Control has been established, and the present edition is the 9th of the series to be held in Gif-sur-Yvette, France, between June 30th and July 2nd, 2025.

History of TDS 

IFAC Workshop on Time Delay Systems brings together the scientific community in systems with time delay from theory to applications. Strong interest in this research area has culminated in a series of workshops, starting first in July 1998 (Grenoble, France) and followed by those in September 2000 (Ancona, Italy), December 2001 (Santa Fe, USA), September 2003 (Rocquencourt, France), September 2004 (Leuven, Belgium), July 2006 (L’Aquila, Italy), September 2007 (Nantes, France), September 2009 (Sinaia, Romania), June 2010 (Prague, Czech Republic), June 2012 (Boston, USA), February 2013 (Grenoble, France), June 2015 (Ann Arbor, USA), June 2016 (Istanbul, Turkey), June 2018 (Budapest, Hungary), September 2019 (Sinaia, Romania), September 2021 (Guangzhou, China), September 2022 (Montréal, Canada), September 2024 (Udine, Italy). In this way, the series of annual IFAC Workshops on Time Delay Systems has been established, and the present edition is the 19th of the series to be held in Gif-sur-Yvette, France, between June 30th and July 2nd, 2025.

History of COSY 

The IFAC Workshop on Control of Complex Systems brings academics and professionals from the control community who share an interest in complex systems. The workshop’s goal is to offer them a forum where to discuss current research developments, open problems, emerging structural properties, and methodologies on the control of complex systems. The first edition of IFAC COSY will be held in Bologna, Italy, in November 2022, and the present edition is the 2nd of the series to be held in Gif-sur-Yvette, France, between June 30th and July 2nd, 2025.

Call for papers

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